let's go bro
it feels very weird when the guitar comes in at the beginning, it's good besides that.
really good, can you please send me the midi file so I can remix it lol.
unfortunately, I don't actually know how to export this as a midi file. only .wav and .mp3
overall it's not that good of a song but for what it is it's pretty good, I recommend not switching what the lead instrument is in the middle of the thing and also making songs using, i have some beepbox instrument presets if you need some.
I was trying to make the whole song out of just note blocks while also following the correct octave the song follows. Sorry if it sounds a bit weird but that's how it was intended to be for me. Also what is beepbox?
all your songs are so popular and then just this lol
you should make the melody not stop after every bit since it makes it sound weird, besides that it pretty good.
sounds pretty good, but the ocasonal pauses in the music make it sound awkward and the insturments need some work.
woah that's a heck ton of stuff thanks
i do geometry dash and sometimes make music, sometime i think like in a few years im gonna make a video game so that's why i have like 20 playlists because ng only allows 100 per list.
Joined on 11/7/19